Ignite • Faith

Are you ready to ignite your faith? Ignite Faith aims to inspire and empower individuals on their spiritual journey, providing guidance, support, and resources to help you deepen and revitalize your faith. Whether you're seeking to strengthen your existing beliefs, reconnect with your spiritual essence, or explore new avenues of faith, Wildfire Leadership offers a wealth of strategies, insights, and practices that will illuminate your path and reignite the flame within. Embark on a transformative adventure as you discover the power of faith to bring meaning, purpose, and joy to every aspect of your life. Let us guide you on this enlightening journey of faith, where your heart and soul will be set ablaze with renewed conviction and spiritual vitality.

Small Group Offerings

Wildfire Leadership’s faith-based small groups empower participants to live a life aligned with God’s divine plan. Our two distinct offerings, "Igniting Your Divine Purpose" and "Ignite Marriage," are tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals and couples within the church community. Each small group is a space for exploration and transformation.

Click the links below to learn more about our small group offerings:

  • Igniting Your Divine Purpose is a powerful small group experience that empowers you to live a life aligned with God’s divine plan. 

  • Ignite Marriage promises to reignite the flame of love, purpose, and growth within marriages, offering couples a profound opportunity to strengthen their bond and align their lives with their divine marriage mission.

Small Group Curriculum

Mission Portrait: Igniting Your Divine Purpose

Small Group Facilitator Certification

Are you ready to help others uncover their purpose and unleash their potential? Do you love leading individuals and small groups for transformational impact? Now is your time by becoming a certified Wildfire Facilitator. As a certified facilitator, you will be able to lead others through the Mission Portrait and 7 Igniter processes as you do your part to help people find their true purpose in life and guide them on the journey.

Ignite Coaching

  • •Monthly Recurring•
    Everyone can thrive with some encouragement and direction. Let Wildfire come alongside as your personal leadership development coach for your business through monthly customized coaching tailored specifically for your needs. Each coaching session builds off the prior session to ensure you are getting exactly what you need, when you need it and includes Mission Portrait (personal & business), 7 Igniter training, Working Genius, Five Levels of Leadership and much more.

  • • 4 Sessions •
    As you fulfill your role at church, you can thrive with some extra encouragement and direction. Let Wildfire come alongside you during four sessions that are one hour each as you discover your mission and purpose of making a difference in the lives of others. Each coaching session builds off the prior session to ensure you are getting exactly what you need, when you need it and includes a personal DISC Assessment, Working Genius, Custom Mission Portrait

  • • Ignite HER •
    Women have gifts and passions that often get overlooked in the day-to-day roles and pressures of work and family. Take time to renew your joy as you discover your purpose and flourish with tools to implement your gifts in all areas of your life. As you obtain clear direction and stay focused, your passions will be ignited as you unleash your full potential.

  • • 4 Sessions •
    Are you ready to ignite and take your marriage to another level? This one-on-one coaching helps you and your spouse practically live out your personal and marriage purpose! Through these four coaching sessions, we will be able to address real life situations that arise and keep you feeling stuck or frustrated with a lack of progress. You will be guided to keep focused on your order of priorities and dreams that keep hope alive and unleash potential on a daily basis! Remember, one of the most crucial pieces of successful leading is accountability! Your Wildfire coach will help to stretch you to be all that you’re meant to be!

  • • 4 Sessions •
    Are you ready to ignite and set in motion your potential to another level? This one-on-one 7 Igniters coaching helps you practically live out your purpose! Through these four coaching sessions, we will be able to address real life situations that arise and keep you feeling stuck or frustrated with a lack of progress. You will be guided to keep focused on your order of priorities and dreams that keep hope alive and unleash potential on a daily basis! Remember, one of the most crucial pieces of successful leading is accountability! Your Wildfire coach will help to stretch you to be all that you’re meant to be!

Ignite Workshops

  • During this 1.5 to 2-hour workshop, you will create a custom-tailored Mission Portrait that is a daily visual reminder of who you are and your mission in your career and in your life. It acts as a compass pointing you to your purpose of making a difference in the lives of others. Individuals, families, businesses, non-profits, educators, students, and athletic teams are using this tool to uncover their purpose and unleash their potential.

    Please contact Kirk Jones (kirk@wildfireleadership.com) for more information or to book your session!

  • Each stage of your life journey ignites something within you that yearns to fully unleash your potential. Understanding your vision and mission is great, but implementing them is the goal. The 7 Igniters bring action to your Mission Portrait to ensure you are actually living out your potential. This workshop builds upon the Working Genius/Mission Portrait workshop ensuring your leadership team continues to be focused on living out their personal mission and the mission of your business.

  • Today, many people feel frustrated, underutilized or misunderstood at work, and many teams experience failure, feel stuck, or are confused because they don't know how to tap into the people around them. When people are able to better understand the types of work that energize and fulfill them, they can be more self-aware, more productive, and more successful. Working Genius identifies their natural gifting and the six fundamental activities that are required for any type of work and provides a simple framework for how work gets done. Working Genius beautifully combines with the Mission Portrait, which is a daily visual reminder of who you are and your mission in your career and in your life. Working Genius and Mission Portrait will guide you and your team to more dignified, fulfilled, and successful work.

  • When you recognize that extra input will take you farther and higher, let Wildfire come alongside.

    Our coaching staff has a combined 75 years of leadership coaching experience, including: global executives, international non-profit leaders, athletic coaches, and educators. We’ll help you set your next steps towards uncontainable leadership momentum that will grow and transform your organization.